idaho trail cleanup


Due to irresponsible humans there has been an inordinate amount of broken glass on the trail this season. This poses a hazard to our pawed pals as well as those of us who enjoy a barefoot experience. We, the faculty of the Ersity of Was, encourage you to join us as we put forth an increased effort to remove broken glass from our trails!

We will be banding together in small student groups to make an organized effort throughout the month of August to actively collect broken glass on campus. While our goal is to simply remove this dangerous debris from the trail, we also intend to pick up trash in general, as well as measure the amount of glass specifically collected as closely as possible for our own records.

Here are some good trail habits to start ANY time of year that will help keep our natural places beautiful:

Always, always, pack it in pack it out and leave no trace.

Bring a small bag in your pocket or pack to collect garbage.

Make a conscious effort NOT to bring glass into the wilderness.

When you see broken glass on the trail carefully pick it up and pack it out or throw it into the rough off trail.

If each person picks up even a couple pieces of garbage when they go out you will be amazed at what a difference it can make! It’s something that can go unappreciated, because it’s often what you WON’T see out in nature – cigarette butts, beer caps, toilet paper – that shows people have been taking care of the land.

We appreciate your efforts in helping us keep our natural places beautiful for everyone! Show off what you’re doing to improve the trail by sharing pictures on our Ersity of Was Facebook Page and proudly display your Paw Protectors Certificate with this printable!