It’s been another great Summer season on campus in the Owyhee! I’ve been fortunate to be able to visit campus regularly despite the hot temperatures and challenges of balancing a work schedule that keeps trying to interfere with my hiking!
Students and myself frequently observed the movements of coyote, fox, antelope, and deer throughout the season as well as the changes in many different plants and flowers. The sweet memory of the evening primrose still lingers with me, the intoxicating scent of syringa near the waterfalls, and the taste of stinging nettle is with me still. While the beaver was very active early in the year it seems as though either it has moved away or been eliminated by humans as there haven’t been any signs of their work in some months.
While water levels certainly ranged from raging to barely a trickle they were still overall an improvement over the extremely dry conditions last year. My trips hiking into the deep canyon were limited due to the increase in heat early in the season, but recent visits have shown the path beyond the third waterfall to be nearly impassable with brush. This may become a Fall project for myself and students as the fourth and fifth waterfalls are truly sights worth seeing!
In addition to adventures throughout the main campus I’ve also branched out to visit a few other Northern Idaho locations, as well as a closer by trailhead that has been on my radar for some time. Stay tuned for details! I hope to blog more often here and provide updates on mileage and other information for interested parties.

Are YOU interested in thinking out of the box? Like, WAY out of the box?
There’s no better place to do it than the great wild open wilderness! It’s one of the things that I am working to grow into something more than just a hobby, and I hope that YOU can help me make it happen by getting involved with classes at the Ersity of Was!
I want to help you GET OUT! Break your routine and find an increased joy of living!
If you’re located in or are visiting the Southwest Idaho region I would love the opportunity to help facilitate your mental escape! Get in touch to find out more and schedule your visit to campus!